Historical Society To Meet in Natchez

The Mississippi Historical Society (MHS) will hold its annual meeting Thursday, February 28, through Saturday, March 2 in Natchez.
“This city is more than three hundred years old,” said Page Ogden, 2018-19 MHS president. “We could not ask for a better site at which to gather for presentations about the state’s history—from the life of local civil rights martyr Wharlest Jackson to plans to develop the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians, and from the history of early French settlements to the lives of riverboat captains on the Mississippi River.”
At the Friday luncheon University of Mississippi filmmaker Rex Jones will screen a preview of his new Hurricane Camille documentary, created for the fiftieth anniversary of the deadly storm. On Friday afternoon a tour of the historic Natchez downtown will be offered, and that evening Stephanie R. Rolph, author of Resisting Equality: The Citizens’ Council, 1954-1989, will deliver the conference’s keynote address.
Register online at www.mississippihistory.org. The cost is $50 for MHS members and $75 for non-members, or $75 for MHS members and $100 for non-members after February 15.
Rooms are reserved for February 28 and March 1 at the Natchez Grand Hotel, 111 S. Broadway Street, Natchez, 601-446-9994 When making reservations, be sure to specify the MHS rate of $104 plus tax per night. For more information call 601-576-6936 or email mhs@mdah.ms.gov.