
William H. Turcotte diary pages xii-xiii, containing newspaper clippings captioned "Churchill will das Prestige retten beschaftigt das Londoner Kabinett" [Churchill wants to be preoccupied with saving the prestige of the London cabinet] and "Fahndung nach Dr. Goerdeler" [Manhunt for Dr. Goerdeler].
Collection Description General & Tech Data Catalog Record


  • Description: William H. Turcotte diary pages xii-xiii, containing newspaper clippings captioned "Churchill will das Prestige retten beschaftigt das Londoner Kabinett" [Churchill wants to be preoccupied with saving the prestige of the London cabinet] and "Fahndung nach Dr. Goerdeler" [Manhunt for Dr. Goerdeler].
  • Country: Germany
  • Call Number: Z/1606.000/S
  • Filename: 64730-diary-055.tif