Title:Carte de la Coste de la Louisiane depuis l'embouchure de la Riviere de Micissipi jusques à la Riviere de S. Martin.
Author:Laval, Antoine
Situation Date:1728
Publication Date:1728
Features:Drainage at confluence with the Gulf of Mexico, bays, inlets, islands, Gulf soundings, towns, forts.
Comments:Title Note: General translation- map of the coast of Louisiana from the mouth of the river till the River Micissipi S. Martin.
Bibliographic Note: [Published in Laval's Voyage de la Louisiane (Paris, 1728), facing p. 252. The book describes a journey in 1720.]
Features Note: Contains a legend describing 12 sand conditions in the Gulf.
Link Note: See D-30 at link provided.
Coverage:Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Panhandle.
Publisher:(Paris, 1728)
Link:http://rla.unc.edu/EMAS/regions-pr.html#sec_d http://www.archive.org/stream/voyagedelalouisi00lava#page/n3 18/mode/1up