Inventory of Historic Maps of Mississippi,
created 2007-2017,
by Paul Davis

Title:A Chart of the sea coast of the state of Mississippi executed by authority of the State of Mississippi. / W. J. Stone, sculptor.
Author:Stone, William James, 1798-1865.
Situation Date:1839
Publication Date:1839
Features:Islands, shoals, shell banks, Pearl River, state boundary line in Gulf of Mexico, township and range lines, towns, lighthouses.
Comments:Author Note: "Surveyed in 1839 by John Wheeler, engineer, W. J. Stone, sculptor..."
Publication Note: "...Washington City. "Sen. 1st Ses., 26 Con. Doc. 163."
Coverage:Mississippi Gulf Coast from Grand Battour to Pearlington, from Pascagoula to the Pearl River
Repository:Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Publisher:Washington : [s.n.], 1839.
Size (inches):11.8 X 20
Link: ionumber=000013885